Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
985 lines
** $RCSfile$
** Description: BOOPSI ARexx interface class.
** Copyright: (C) Copyright 1994 Jaba Development.
** (C) Copyright 1994 Jan van den Baard.
** All Rights Reserved.
** $Author$
** $Revision$
** $Date$
** Uncomment the following line if you want the
** class to use memory pools and you have got
** the 3.1 amiga.lib.
/* #define POOLS */
#ifdef POOLS
#define AllocMemory(s) GetMem( ad, s )
#define FreeMemory(p) PutMem( ad, p )
#define AllocMemory(s) AllocVec( s, MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR )
#define FreeMemory(p) FreeVec( p )
#include "ARexxClass.h"
#include <proto/intuition.h>
#include <proto/utility.h>
#include <proto/rexxsyslib.h>
#include <proto/exec.h>
#include <proto/dos.h>
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
** Compiler crap. Should compile under SAS this way...
#ifdef _DCC
#define SAVEDS __geta4
#define ASM
#define REG(x) __ ## x
#define SAVEDS __saveds
#define ASM __asm
#define REG(x) register __ ## x
** Object instance data.
typedef struct {
struct MsgPort *ad_Port; /* Host message port. */
UBYTE *ad_HostName; /* Host name. */
UBYTE *ad_FileExt; /* File extention. */
ULONG ad_PendCnt; /* Messages still un-reply'd. */
REXXCOMMAND *ad_Commands; /* Host command list. */
struct RDArgs *ad_DOSParser; /* ReadArgs() parser. */
UWORD ad_Flags; /* See below. */
#ifdef POOLS
APTR ad_MemPool; /* Memory pool. */
} AD;
** Module prototypes.
STATIC ULONG SAVEDS ASM ARexxDispatch( REG(A0) Class *cl, REG(A2) Object *obj, REG(A1) Msg );
** Class initialization.
Class *InitARexxClass( void )
Class *cl;
if ( cl = MakeClass( NULL, ROOTCLASS, NULL, sizeof( AD ), 0L ))
cl->cl_Dispatcher.h_Entry = (HOOKFUNC)ARexxDispatch;
return( cl );
** Free the class.
BOOL FreeARexxClass( Class *cl )
return( FreeClass( cl ));
#ifdef POOLS
** Pool allocation.
STATIC APTR GetMem( AD *ad, ULONG size )
ULONG *ptr;
** Allocate the memory.
if ( ptr = LibAllocPooled( ad->ad_MemPool, size + sizeof( ULONG ))) {
** Store allocation size.
*ptr = size + sizeof( ULONG );
** Adjust pointer.
return(( APTR )ptr );
** Pool freeing.
STATIC VOID PutMem( AD *ad, APTR mem )
ULONG *ptr = ( ULONG * )mem;
** Retrieve the original allocation.
** Deallocate.
LibFreePooled( ad->ad_MemPool, ptr, *ptr );
** Duplicate a string.
STATIC UBYTE *DupStr( AD *ad, UBYTE *str )
UBYTE *dup = AllocMemory( strlen( str ) + 1 );
if ( dup )
strcpy( dup, str );
return( dup );
** Reply a rexx command.
STATIC VOID ReplyRexxCommand( struct RexxMsg *rxm, LONG prim, LONG sec, UBYTE *res )
UBYTE buf[ 16 ];
** Result wanted?
if ( rxm->rm_Action & RXFF_RESULT ) {
** Primary result?
if ( ! prim ) {
** We setup the secondary result to
** the result string when one was passed.
sec = res ? ( LONG )CreateArgstring( res, strlen( res )) : 0L;
} else {
** Primary result bigger than 0?
if ( prim > 0 ) {
** Setup the result field
** to point to a string containing
** the secondary result number.
sprintf( buf, "%ld", sec );
res = buf;
} else {
** Negate primary result and
** setup the result field to
** the secondary result.
prim = -prim;
res = ( UBYTE * )sec;
** Setup ARexx it's "RC2" variable to
** the result.
SetRexxVar(( struct Message * )rxm, "RC2", res, strlen( res ));
** Clear secondary result.
sec = 0L;
} else if ( prim < 0 )
** Negate primary result.
prim = -prim;
** Setup result fields.
rxm->rm_Result1 = prim;
rxm->rm_Result2 = sec;
** Reply the RexxMsg.
ReplyMsg(( struct Message * )rxm );
** Free a RexxMsg command.
STATIC VOID FreeRexxCommand( struct RexxMsg *rxm )
** Delete the result Argstring.
if ( ! rxm->rm_Result1 && rxm->rm_Result2 )
DeleteArgstring(( UBYTE * )rxm->rm_Result2 );
** Close input handle.
if ( rxm->rm_Stdin && rxm->rm_Stdin != Input()) {
** If the output handle is the
** same as the input handle we
** can safely clear it.
if ( rxm->rm_Stdout == rxm->rm_Stdin )
rxm->rm_Stdout = NULL;
Close( rxm->rm_Stdin );
rxm->rm_Stdin = NULL;
** Close output handle if it is not
** the same as Stdin.
if ( rxm->rm_Stdout && rxm->rm_Stdout != Output()) {
Close( rxm->rm_Stdout );
rxm->rm_Stdout = NULL;
** Delete the command Argstring.
DeleteArgstring(( UBYTE * )ARG0( rxm ));
** Delete the message itself.
DeleteRexxMsg( rxm );
** Create a RexxMsg command.
STATIC struct RexxMsg *CreateRexxCommand( AD *ad, UBYTE *comname, BPTR handle )
struct RexxMsg *rxm;
** Create the RexxMsg.
if ( rxm = CreateRexxMsg( ad->ad_Port, ad->ad_FileExt, ad->ad_HostName )) {
** Create the Argstring.
if ( rxm->rm_Args[ 0 ] = CreateArgstring( comname, strlen( comname ))) {
** Setup action flags.
rxm->rm_Action = RXCOMM | RXFF_RESULT;
** Setup file handles.
rxm->rm_Stdin = rxm->rm_Stdout = handle;
return( rxm );
** Argstring creation failed.
DeleteRexxMsg( rxm );
return( NULL );
** Send a RexxMsg command to the
** ARexx server.
STATIC struct RexxMsg *CommandToRexx( AD *ad, struct RexxMsg *rxm )
struct MsgPort *rxp;
** Try to find the "REXX"
** message port.
if ( ! ( rxp = FindPort( RXSDIR ))) {
** Oops. ARexx server
** not active.
return( NULL );
** Send off the message.
PutMsg( rxp, &rxm->rm_Node );
** Increase pending counter.
return( rxm );
** Send a command to the ARexx server.
STATIC struct RexxMsg *SendRexxCommand( AD *ad, UBYTE *comname, BPTR handle )
struct RexxMsg *rxm;
** Create a RexxMsg command and
** send it off to the ARexx server.
if ( rxm = CreateRexxCommand( ad, comname, handle ))
return( CommandToRexx( ad, rxm ));
return( NULL );
STATIC REXXCOMMAND *FindRXCommand( AD *ad, UBYTE *comname, UWORD len )
REXXCOMMAND *rc = ad->ad_Commands;
while ( rc->rc_Func ) {
if ( ! strnicmp( comname, rc->rc_Name, len ) && isspace( comname[ strlen( rc->rc_Name ) ] ))
return( rc );
return( NULL );
** Execute a command.
STATIC VOID DoRXCommand( AD *ad, struct RexxMsg *rxm )
struct RexxMsg *rm;
UBYTE *comname, *args, *tmp, *result = NULL;
LONG rc = 20, rc2 = 0;
UWORD numargs = 0, len = 0;
** Allocate memory for the command
** name and it's argument string.
if ( ! ( comname = ( UBYTE * )AllocMemory( strlen(( UBYTE * )ARG0( rxm )) + 2 ))) {
** Copy command name and argument string.
strcpy( comname, ( UBYTE * )ARG0( rxm ));
** ReadArgs() requires the argument
** string to end with a newline.
strcat( comname, "\n" );
** Find the length of the command
** the start of the arguments.
args = comname;
while ( isspace( *args )) args++;
tmp = args;
while ( ! isspace( *args )) { len++; args++; }
** Find the command.
if ( rco = FindRXCommand( ad, tmp, len )) {
** Allocate REXXARGS structure.
if ( ra = ( REXXARGS * )AllocMemory( sizeof( REXXARGS ))) {
** Count number of expected args.
if ( rco->rc_ArgTemplate ) {
tmp = rco->rc_ArgTemplate;
while ( *tmp != '\n' ) {
if ( *tmp++ == ',' ) numargs++;
** Allocate arg array.
if ( ra->ra_ArgList = ( ULONG * )AllocMemory( numargs * sizeof( ULONG ))) {
** Setup RDArgs.
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_Source.CS_Buffer = args;
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_Source.CS_Length = strlen( args );
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_Source.CS_CurChr = 0;
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_DAList = NULL;
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_Buffer = NULL;
** Parse args.
if ( ReadArgs( rco->rc_ArgTemplate, ra->ra_ArgList, ad->ad_DOSParser )) {
** Call the REXX routine.
( rco->rc_Func )( ra, rxm );
rc = ra->ra_RC;
rc2 = ra->ra_RC2;
result = ra->ra_Result;
FreeArgs( ad->ad_DOSParser );
} else {
rc = 10;
rc2 = IoErr();
FreeMemory( ra->ra_ArgList );
} else
} else {
** No args.
( rco->rc_Func )( ra, rxm );
rc = ra->ra_RC;
rc2 = ra->ra_RC2;
result = ra->ra_Result;
FreeMemory( ra );
} else
} else {
** Not found in our list?
** Maybe it's a script.
if ( rm = CreateRexxCommand( ad, ( UBYTE * )ARG0( rxm ), NULL )) {
** Save original message.
rm->rm_Args[ 15 ] = ( STRPTR )rxm;
** Let the REXX server see what
** it can do with this.
if ( ! CommandToRexx( ad, rm ))
} else
goto byeBye;
ReplyRexxCommand( rxm, rc, rc2, result );
FreeMemory( comname );
** OM_NEW.
STATIC ULONG ARexxNew( Class *cl, Object *obj, struct opSet *ops )
struct TagItem *attr = ops->ops_AttrList, *tag;
struct MsgPort *mp;
AD *ad;
ULONG rc, *ecode, ext = 1L;
UBYTE unique_name[ 80 ], *tmp;
** Let the superclass set us up...
if ( rc = ( ULONG )DoSuperMethodA( cl, obj, ( Msg )ops )) {
** Get the instance data.
ad = ( AD * )INST_DATA( cl, rc );
** Safety precautions.
bzero(( char * )ad, sizeof( AD ));
** First see if we got error storage.
if ( tag = FindTagItem( AC_ErrorCode, attr ))
ecode = ( ULONG * )tag->ti_Data;
#ifdef POOLS
** Create a memory pool.
if ( ad->ad_MemPool = LibCreatePool( MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR, 4096L, 4096L )) {
** Create port if a
** host name is supplied.
if ( tag = FindTagItem( AC_HostName, attr )) {
** Store host name.
ad->ad_HostName = ( UBYTE * )tag->ti_Data;
** Name valid?
if ( ad->ad_HostName && *ad->ad_HostName ) {
** Make the name unique.
sprintf( unique_name, "%s.1", ad->ad_HostName );
while (( mp = FindPort( unique_name )) && ext <= 99 )
sprintf( unique_name, "%s.%ld", ad->ad_HostName, ++ext );
** Name unique?
if ( ! mp ) {
** Copy the name.
if ( ad->ad_HostName = DupStr( ad, unique_name )) {
** Uppercase it.
tmp = ad->ad_HostName;
while ( *tmp ) {
*tmp = toupper( *tmp );
** Create the port.
if ( ad->ad_Port = CreateMsgPort()) {
** Initialize and add the port.
ad->ad_Port->mp_Node.ln_Name = ad->ad_HostName;
ad->ad_Port->mp_Node.ln_Pri = 0;
AddPort( ad->ad_Port );
} else if ( ecode )
} else if ( ecode )
} else if ( ecode )
} else if ( ecode )
} else if ( ecode )
** Do we have a port now?
if ( ad->ad_Port ) {
** Find the commandlist.
if ( tag = FindTagItem( AC_CommandList, attr )) {
if ( ad->ad_Commands = ( REXXCOMMAND * )tag->ti_Data ) {
** Setup the AmigaDOS parser.
if ( ad->ad_DOSParser = ( struct RDArgs * )AllocDosObject( DOS_RDARGS, NULL )) {
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_Flags = RDAF_NOPROMPT;
** Obtain file extention.
if ( tag = FindTagItem( AC_FileExtention, attr ))
ad->ad_FileExt = ( UBYTE * )tag->ti_Data;
ad->ad_FileExt = "rexx";
return( rc );
} else if ( ecode )
} else if ( ecode )
} else if ( ecode )
#ifdef POOLS
} else if ( ecode )
** Bliep error...bliep....
CoerceMethod( cl, ( Object * )rc, OM_DISPOSE );
return( 0L );
STATIC ULONG ARexxDispose( Class *cl, Object *obj, Msg msg )
AD *ad = ( AD * )INST_DATA( cl, obj );
struct RexxMsg *rxm;
** Do we have a port?
if ( ad->ad_Port ) {
** Remove the port from the public list
RemPort( ad->ad_Port );
** Wait for and handle all
** messages still pending.
if ( ad->ad_PendCnt ) {
while ( ad->ad_PendCnt ) {
** Wait for a message.
WaitPort( ad->ad_Port );
** Get messages.
while ( rxm = ( struct RexxMsg * )GetMsg( ad->ad_Port )) {
** Replyed message?
if ( rxm->rm_Node.mn_Node.ln_Type == NT_REPLYMSG ) {
** Free the message and decrease the
** pending counter.
FreeRexxCommand( rxm );
} else
** Tell'm where getting out of here.
ReplyRexxCommand( rxm, -20, ( LONG )"Host object closing down", NULL );
} else {
** In case there are no messages pending we
** still need to reply all that is waiting at
** the port.
while ( rxm = ( struct RexxMsg * )GetMsg( ad->ad_Port ))
ReplyRexxCommand( rxm, -20, ( LONG )"Host object closing down", NULL );
** Delete the port.
DeleteMsgPort( ad->ad_Port );
** Delete the AmigaDOS parser.
if ( ad->ad_DOSParser )
FreeDosObject( DOS_RDARGS, ad->ad_DOSParser );
** Delete the port name.
if ( ad->ad_HostName )
FreeMemory( ad->ad_HostName );
#ifdef POOLS
** Free the pool.
LibDeletePool( ad->ad_MemPool );
** Let the superclass do the rest.
return( DoSuperMethodA( cl, obj, msg ));
STATIC ULONG ARexxExecute( Class *cl, Object *obj, struct acmExecute *acme )
AD *ad = ( AD * )INST_DATA( cl, obj );
struct RexxMsg *rxm;
UBYTE *args, *tmp, *result = NULL, *com;
UWORD numargs = 0, len = 0;
ULONG r = 20, r2;
** Allocate a private copy of the command string.
if ( com = ( UBYTE * )AllocMemory( strlen( acme->acme_CommandString ) + 2 )) {
** Make a copy terminated with a newline.
strcpy( com, acme->acme_CommandString );
strcat( com, "\n" );
** Find the length of the command
** and the start of the arguments.
args = com;
while ( isspace( *args )) args++;
tmp = args;
while ( ! isspace( *args )) { len++; args++; }
** Look up the command.
if ( rco = FindRXCommand( ad, tmp, len )) {
** Allocate a REXXARGS structure.
if ( ra = ( REXXARGS * )AllocMemory( sizeof( REXXARGS ))) {
** Args expected?
if ( rco->rc_ArgTemplate ) {
** Count the expected number of arguments.
tmp = rco->rc_ArgTemplate;
while ( *tmp != '\n' ) {
if ( *tmp++ != ',' ) numargs++;
** Allocate space to parse the args.
if ( ra->ra_ArgList = ( ULONG * )AllocMemory( numargs * sizeof( ULONG ))) {
** Setup the parser.
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_Source.CS_Buffer = args;
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_Source.CS_Length = strlen( args );
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_Source.CS_CurChr = 0;
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_DAList = NULL;
ad->ad_DOSParser->RDA_Buffer = NULL;
** Parse the args.
if ( ReadArgs( rco->rc_ArgTemplate, ra->ra_ArgList, ad->ad_DOSParser )) {
** Run command.
( rco->rc_Func )( ra, NULL );
** Store results.
r = ra->ra_RC;
r2 = ra->ra_RC2;
result = ra->ra_Result;
FreeArgs( ad->ad_DOSParser );
} else {
r = 10;
r2 = IoErr();
** Deallocate arg list.
FreeMemory( ra->ra_ArgList );
} else
} else {
** Run command.
( rco->rc_Func )( ra, NULL );
** Store results.
r = ra->ra_RC;
r2 = ra->ra_RC2;
result = ra->ra_Result;
** Deallocate the REXXARGS structure.
FreeMemory( ra );
} else
** When not passed to the rexx server
** we must close the given IO handle
** ourselves.
if ( acme->acme_IO ) Close( acme->acme_IO );
} else {
** We do not send the new-line to
** the ARexx server.
com[ strlen( com ) - 1 ] = '\0';
** Unknown commands are shipped
** off to the REXX server.
if ( rxm = CreateRexxCommand( ad, com, acme->acme_IO )) {
if ( ! CommandToRexx( ad, rxm ))
r = r2 = 0L;
} else
** Deallocate the command copy.
FreeMemory( com );
} else
** Put the results into their
** storage spaces.
if ( acme->acme_RC ) *( acme->acme_RC ) = r;
if ( acme->acme_RC2 ) *( acme->acme_RC2 ) = r2;
if ( acme->acme_Result ) *( acme->acme_Result ) = result;
return( 1L );
** OM_GET.
STATIC ULONG ARexxGet( Class *cl, Object *obj, struct opGet *opg )
AD *ad = ( AD * )INST_DATA( cl, obj );
ULONG rc = 1L;
** What do they want?
switch ( opg->opg_AttrID ) {
case AC_HostName:
*( opg->opg_Storage ) = ( ULONG )ad->ad_HostName;
case AC_RexxPortMask:
*( opg->opg_Storage ) |= ( 1L << ad->ad_Port->mp_SigBit );
rc = DoSuperMethodA( cl, obj, ( Msg )opg );
return( rc );
STATIC ULONG ARexxHandleEvent( Class *cl, Object *obj, Msg msg )
struct RexxMsg *rxm, *org;
AD *ad = ( AD * )INST_DATA( cl, obj );
ULONG rc = 1L;
** Get the messages from the port.
while ( rxm = ( struct RexxMsg * )GetMsg( ad->ad_Port )) {
** A Rexx command?
if (( rxm->rm_Action & RXCODEMASK ) != RXCOMM )
ReplyMsg(( struct Message * )rxm );
else if ( rxm->rm_Node.mn_Node.ln_Type == NT_REPLYMSG ) {
** Reply'd message. See if it was started
** as a script.
if ( org = ( struct RexxMsg * )rxm->rm_Args[ 15 ] ) {
if ( rxm->rm_Result1 )
ReplyRexxCommand( org, 20, ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NULL );
ReplyRexxCommand( org, 0, 0, ( UBYTE * )rxm->rm_Result2 );
** Free the message and decrease the
** pending counter.
FreeRexxCommand( rxm );
} else if ( ARG0( rxm ))
** Execute message.
DoRXCommand( ad, rxm );
ReplyMsg(( struct Message * )rxm );
** Class dispatcher.
STATIC SAVEDS ASM ULONG ARexxDispatch( REG(A0) Class *cl, REG(A2) Object *obj, REG(A1) Msg msg )
ULONG rc = 0L;
** Evaluate the method.
switch ( msg->MethodID ) {
case OM_NEW:
rc = ARexxNew( cl, obj, ( struct opSet * )msg );
case OM_GET:
rc = ARexxGet( cl, obj, ( struct opGet * )msg );
rc = ARexxDispose( cl, obj, msg );
rc = ARexxHandleEvent( cl, obj, msg );
rc = ARexxExecute( cl, obj, ( struct acmExecute * )msg );
rc = DoSuperMethodA( cl, obj, msg );
return ( rc );